Trina Deiss
- Trauma
Degrees & Training:
- Certified MNRI Specialist
- Certified Trauma Care
- TBRI Certified
- Registered Nurse (RN)
- Educational Instruction Degree
Trina Deiss is a certified Masgutova Neurosensorimotor Reflex Integration (MNRI) specialist. Trina uses her 15 years of experience as a coach and physical education teacher to maximize the potential of her clients.
Trina is passionate about whole-body wellness, goal setting, and purposeful living. As an educator, speaker, coach, and nurse, she focuses on the wellness of the body, mind, and soul. MNRI utilizes techniques based on reflexes and natural immune systems resources. Trina specializes in trauma and allowing the body to release the impact of trauma, especially in regard to immunity. To become a core specialist, she trained in Reflex integration, immunology, neurostructural, and Trauma care. Trina has worked with babies who are diagnosed with failure to thrive, military personnel struggling to deal with trauma, patients with Cerebral Palsy, Brain Trauma, Multiple Sclerosis, inflammatory diseases, Autism, and ADHD, and athletes seeking to improve performance. Stress, whether physiological, emotional, or medical over time can interrupt the homeostasis of the body, creating vulnerability to illness or inflammation. Trina has assisted in research demonstrating the highly effective results of MNRI and immunology.
Trina is also a co-founder of United1Front, which brings training and support to caregivers of children from hard places, like human trafficking. Through United1Front, she has traveled internationally and across the U.S. and has led over 15 mission trips. Trina and her husband have 4 adult children and 7 grandchildren. When free she enjoys rollerblading, rock climbing, and spending quality time with family and friends.